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Mama, Why is Allah allowing this to happen in Gaza?

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How can I explain the Gaza genocide and conflict to my children?

As Muslim parents, one of the most delicate tasks is explaining the complexities of life, especially when it comes to suffering and injustice in the world. The situation in Gaza may prompt children to ask difficult questions, and it's our responsibility to guide them with wisdom and empathy.

Understanding Life's Difficulties Through Islam

When children wonder about the hardships faced by people in places like Gaza, they might question, "Mama, why is Allah allowing this to happen?" It's a moment that calls for us to validate their emotions, making them feel seen and heard. Dismissing their concerns or ignoring the question can leave them confused, so it's important to engage in a thoughtful conversation.

Explaining the Wisdom of Allah (SWT)

We can help our children understand that while we might not comprehend the full picture, Allah (SWT) is Al-Hakeem (The All-Wise) and Al-Muqtadir (The All-Powerful). The Quran reminds us, "But they plan, and Allah plans, and Allah is the best of planners" (Quran, 8:30), assuring us that there is a greater wisdom at play. We can explain to our children that Allah’s wisdom is like an enormous painting, and we, with our limited perspective, can only see a tiny part of the entire masterpiece.

The All-Seeing and The All-Knowing

It’s also important to reassure our children that Allah (SWT) does not disregard any suffering or wrongdoing. We can teach them about the attributes of Allah (SWT) as As-Sami (The All-Hearing) and Al-Aleem (The All-Knowing), who is always aware of the conditions of His creation. "Do not think that Allah is unaware of what the wrongdoers do" (Quran 14:42). This can help them understand that everyone will ultimately face divine justice, and that hardship is often a test and a means of elevating one's spiritual status.

The Promise of Jannah for the Patient

In explaining the tests and trials of life, we should also talk about the concept of Jannah (Paradise) as a reward for those who endure with patience and faith. Paradise is described in Islam as a place of unimaginable beauty, eternal peace, and happiness, where believers will enjoy a close connection with Allah (SWT). It's a realm where the trials and tribulations of the worldly life will be forgotten, and every believer will be compensated for their patience and endurance.

Top Tip: Encourage your children to act on their empathy. Invite them to make dua with you for the people of Gaza and all those suffering injustice.

Empathy and Action: Making Dua Together

Finally, we should encourage our children to act on their empathy. Invite them to make dua with you for the people of Gaza and all those suffering injustice. Teach them to say, "Oh Allah, there is nothing easy except what You make easy, and You make the difficult easy if it is Your Will. Oh Allah, make it easy on the people of Gaza, strengthen our Ummah, give us patience, and always guide us to do what pleases You!"

By having these conversations and engaging in dua together, we teach our children that while we cannot always change the situation of others, we can always turn to Allah (SWT) in prayer, asking for His mercy and assistance for those in need. This instills in them a sense of global brotherhood and the power of supplication.

Through dialogue, understanding, and prayer, we can help our children navigate their feelings about the suffering they see in the world and reinforce their faith and trust in Allah (SWT). Visit us at My Salah Mat or click the image below for more resources on guiding young hearts through the journey of life with faith and wisdom.


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