We travelled to Germany to display at the Biggest Toy Fair in the world!

Last month, My Salah Mat had the pleasure of attending one of the largest toy expos in the world, Spielwarenmesse in Nuremberg, Germany.
We had an intriguing experience, meeting international companies from all over the world. These companies came from Europe to Australia, to America and the Middle East. People from over 180 countries participated in this truly global exhibition!
Photography by Alexander Fell
There were unbelievable business opportunities as we spoke to a huge range of companies, agents and distributors. There were companies from South Africa, Mauritius, and many European countries such as France, Belgium and the Netherlands. There were also potential business opportunities in Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait and Oman! The potential for adventures and travels were endless!
Photography by Alexander Fell
There were so many inspiring companies with a true entrepreneurial spirit. They designed and developed products and services to positively benefit others and this is what real entrepreneurship is. This is all done in the name of humanity and not for economic benefit.
Although I may be biased, I would confidently say that our product was one of the most innovative available at the expo. Our primary market is specifically the Muslim market. Our product is secondarily marketed as a religious product, then as a product for kids and adults. It is the only product of it's kind in the market!
We have created something truly cutting-edge and extraordinary, based on a concept that touches the hearts and minds of over 2 billion people! Salah (prayer) is a tradition that has been practiced for over 1400 years! On Fridays, everyone congregates and the prayer halls of mosques fill and overflow into the streets!
This is a product that has gone viral many times and that has reached 200 million people just from our social media account!! We have single videos on Tiktok with almost 50 million views! The reach of our small brand exceeds even those of bigger, more famous brands!
The ‘My Salah Mat’ brand is only 5 years old and in this time, it has achieved a level beyond our expectations. Only Allah knows what the next 5 years will bring but the progress so far has been phenomenal and Insha’Allah this will continue. We hope to work with companies that believe in our vision, that respect our achievements and that can support us to reach greater heights.
Photography by Alexander Fell
A huge thanks to the Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government and Busnes Cymru / Business Wales for part funding our trip. This support gives us a small company the willingness to take a few risks. To adventure our more, to find exporting opportunities!
Thank you Hayley Vincent for supporting us complete the OBDV application.
Thank you, especially to Sabrina Endres and Vanessa Müller-Kosog who helped me with organising the stand, you both delivered a great show! Spielwarenmesse, what you have achieved with this event is a marvel and I am excited to be a part of your exhibition again next year.