We have made a document to show you that the Images, trademark and design are all our original IP. These websites have unlawfully taken our Photos and Trademarks and are selling counterfeit items, or these are scam websites. As people reported, they did not receive any products. This is serious, and we need your support.


Proof of Original Design

Here, you will find the original Artwork. This is our original file.


Proof of Registered Design

We have registered our Design in many countries. Upon request, we can show you.

Below, we have shown you some registered designs.





Proof of Patent

Our Patent is given for the touch-sensitive features and the audio that works in tandem with the positions – these products have copied this feature.




Proof of Trademark registration. 

We have registered our Trademark in over 40 countries. Upon request, we can show you.

Below, we have shown you some registered trademarks.







Proof of Media Representation

We are supported by our community in the UK and globally. This is why there are so many counterfeit products and scam websites. We have been featured on the BBC and other media outlets.





Proof of Photos published before these websites. 

Evidence of Original Product Images

We have verifiable proof that the product images in question were launched by us before any of these fraudulent websites existed. Attached are screenshots from our official social media accounts, clearly showcasing our product images, which are part of our original intellectual property (IP). These fraudulent websites have unlawfully taken these images and used them without permission.



Proof of Intellectual Property and Fraudulent Activity

Customer Confusion and Misrepresentation

We have received multiple emails from customers who mistakenly believed they had purchased from our official website due to the striking similarities between the fraudulent websites and our branding. Unfortunately, these customers never received their products. Upon further investigation, it was confirmed that their purchases were made on these scam websites and not through our legitimate platform.


Fraudulent Websites

The websites in question are deliberately designed to mislead customers, taking payments for products but failing to deliver any goods. These actions constitute clear cases of fraud. Such activities not only harm our business but also erode consumer trust, causing financial and emotional distress to unsuspecting buyers.