Meet Haifa

"I am born and bred in Cardiff. My hobbies consist of reading about psychology, about the history of Islam, stories about phenomenal women. I love swimming and sports activities."


We asked Haifa a number of questions, you can read the full article. Click Here

Question 9. What are your favourite mum tips?

"Favourite ‘mum’ tips would be to not give in to the child, be firm with your words trust me the child will still love you, it will just make your life that much easier, especially when you’re out in public, think about the more important things e.g. spending time with them, those endless conversations that don’t stop, pay attention to them.

Don’t get too stuck into work and life focus on them too before it gets too late and they grow before you realise. You don’t have to spend spend spend to earn their love, children are very simple they care for no brands, the unlimited toys or your best holiday package. Let them be kids and enjoy childhood, let them make mess. Don’t let other mum’s routines/style put you down. Remember we all have our own individual style. But my top tip would be to discipline your child, don’t let your child discipline you!"


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