My Son Learned how many Surahs are in the Quran using the Interactive Salah Mat

A Muslim blogger- modern.muslim.mama recently uploaded a post onto her Instagram account stating that her son has learned how many Surahs are in the Quran using his brand new MySalahMat.
Here is Sister Sarah's story -
This year towards the end of Ramadan I had run out of ideas for questions to ask my son, who had recently turned 5. I asked my brother and he came up with the question, "How many surahs are in the Quran?". I knew that I had not gotten around to teaching my son about this particular topic, but I figured it would be a learning question. So even if he didn't know today we would teach him.
Since I told my family he would not know the answer we all stood around with encouraging smiles as he opened the drawer and read the question aloud. To our surprise as soon as he finished reading, he blurted out loudly "114!!"
I was in disbelief and was incredibly proud, yet curious how he knew. He yelled out that he learned it from his My Salah Mat! He had been exploring the MSM in his Mosque Prayhouse the day before. I was on the brink of tears! I love when my kids learn through play. sA, it amazes me how much they absorb from their surroundings."
Masha'Allah such a beautiful story.
If you'd like to find out more about our Interactive Prayer Mat click the image below!