Who Can Use The Smart Interactive Prayer Mat? Is It Suitable For All Children?

The challenges of learning to pray lead some children to struggle, become disheartened, or disengage with their faith. We believe that prayer is a gift that allows a child to directly connect with Allah SWT, and should be an important part of their life. That’s why we created the My Salah Mat Interactive Prayer Mat.
But many people wonder who can use this product—who is it for? Is it suitable for children of all ages? If you’re wondering about this, then you’ve come to the right place! In this short post, we’re going to outline some of the most important information about the My Salah Mat and who can use it.
At What Age Should My Child Start To Pray?
In Islam, children are encouraged to pray from the age of 7. By the age of 10, they should be able to do this on their own without much guidance. But a child of 7 might find it difficult to learn to pray, and many parents around the world find it a challenge to teach them the complexities of Salah.
What Age Is The Interactive Prayer Mat For?
The first thing to know is that the interactive prayer mat is suitable for children from the ages of 3 to 9 years old. Although 3 years old is a lot younger than the encouraged age of 7, by introducing prayer into a child’s life early on, they will be able to establish good routines and experiences with prayer that will make it easier for them in later life Insha'Allah.
Although we express 9 years old as the upper limit for kids to use this prayer mat, it all depends on the individual needs, learning style, and educational preferences of the child in question. The Interactive prayer mat is effective up to around this age, where children may be confident enough to pray without it, or else move on to adult educational tools.
The smart interactive prayer mat has been designed to feature neutral gendered colours, and engaging graphics that keep the child’s attention across the experience. The included booklet and mat introduce each of the 5 daily prayers, creating 5-minute routines that will help them to forge positive experiences with prayer.
Using The Parents’ Guide
Although the prayer mat has been designed for children to use independently, it has also been created with parents in mind. We have designed this interactive mat to be a fun learning tool for parents, too, as they help and guide their children. It comes with an activity book included, that helps to introduce Salah in a fun, easy, and interactive way. If you want to know more about the parents’ guide, check out this section here.
Give Your Child The Gift Of Prayer
Our Interactive prayer mat has already helped countless children across the world learn to pray. With a design that covers all 5 prayers, audio recitations, and translations into 15 languages, the My Salah Mat is the perfect way to introduce your children to the gift of prayer. Check out our full range of educational products today!